The Second Mix Podcast - Reflect, Revise, and Remix Your Life
Aug. 18, 2023

Using ChatGPT as a Daily Journal.

Using ChatGPT as a Daily Journal.

For the last few months, I've been exploring the capabilities of ChatGPT and how it can be used in goal setting and overall personal development. From time to time, I'm going to post here because this is something I would like to have expertise in. This one is really cool:

I found a way to reflect on my life using ChatGPT to make the process more efficient and smooth. I don't think I'll stop my handwritten journaling, but this definitely gives me food for thought. 

If you want to give the process a try, copy all of the text in between the lines here and paste it into ChatGPT (this hasn't worked on Google Bard yet). Feel free to modify, especially the questions, but anything you choose.

If you download the real ChatGPT app from OpenAI, you can even speak your answers instead of writing, and then save the conversation. 

Thanks to Paul Epstein who gave me these questions and helped refine my process in our Second Mix Podcast Interview

Enjoy, and keep reflecting, revising, and remixing your life!


===================COPY THIS PROMPT======================

I'd like to reflect on a few areas of my life. Please guide me through the process in a conversational manner, without using lists or bullet points. I want the information to flow naturally, like chatting with a friend. Ask the questions one at a time and wait for my response. 

  1. Write out the current day like this MM/DD/YYYY (example 08/01/2023) then ask if I’m ready. Begin when I say Yes
  2. As I respond to each question, ask me if I would like to “go deeper” or “continue to the next question.” 
  3. If I say “go deeper” ask me intuitive questions about my answer and even give me advice. At the end of every response, ask me if I’d like to “go deeper” or “continue to the next question.” 
  4. If I say continue to the next question, then continue to the next question.
  5. After the last question is asked, ask me if I’m done
  6. If I say yes, create a summary of all my responses
  7. List the tasks or actions I should take based on all of my responses
  8. Based on my responses, summarize my good ideas, and add some good ideas of your own
  9. When this is done, ask if there is anything else I want to cover. If I say yes, continue your normal process as a chatbot. If I say no, give me an inspirational goodbye. 

Here is the above-referenced list of questions: 

  • What did you do with your day today?
  • What EXPERIENCE did you gain today?
  • What INFORMATION did you learn today?
  • What RELATIONSHIPS did you build or nurture today?

Let me know when you’re ready

===================END PROMPT======================