The Second Mix Podcast - Reflect, Revise, and Remix Your Life
June 21, 2021

The Most Valuable Day Of Your Life

The Most Valuable Day Of Your Life

The Ideas and Concepts Mastermind (Facebook Group)

What one thing could I do today that will make this the most valuable day of my life?

What new direction could I take? What new habit could I begin? This question opens me up every morning to life-changing possibilities every day. I don’t expect every single day to be the most valuable, but what if I decide to learn or improve a skill today that comes into play during an opportunity five years from now that nets me millions? Learning that skill retrospectively made today the most valuable day of my life. 


SM039 The Most Valuable Day Of Your Life

Welcome to the Second Mix Podcast where we reflect, revise, and remix our lives. My name is Matthew Bennett. At the end of this episode, there’s going to be a call to action - a call to take a little step to remix your life – please join the Facebook group Ideas and Concepts so we can continue the discussion. The link is in the description.


One question I ask myself every morning is “What one thing could I do today that will make this the most valuable day of my life?”


I used to just get through the day. I was a night person, and that was my whole goal for the day. If I got through it without a lot of effort or stress and got to dinner time with no problems – and if I was able to ignore the pressure of mounting bills and rent piling up and social pressure and church pressure and family pressure – That was my good day.


But that was a completely valueless day. I still occasionally lament my lack of effort, because it feels like a waste of 30 years. Now that’s not quite true, because in wasting all that time and attempting things that failed, I learned a ton of skills that I still use to this day – and although I read a lot of trash, I built my language and communication skills for 30 years without a lot of actual effort. In this 30 years I became a magician, improved my piano playing, learned how to use computers, design websites, and keep my finger on the pulse of online technology. But the waste was my mindset, my lack of building anything for the future. My lack of real goals, my lack of attempting to do anything. 


But the biggest point in that entire wasted 30 years is this: When I got to the day that turned my life around, the day I went for that hike and listened to that Zig Ziglar seminar that I talk about all the way back in episode 2, that day became the most valuable day of my life to date. I made a simple decision to change my direction and it brought me to places I only dreamed about for the previous wasted years. 


Losing weight, repairing relationships, starting projects that I stuck with, keeping my eyes open for opportunity, stepping into challenging roles without hesitation, learning a new language, fashioning a new set of goals that would lead me into a life I want to live, all of these things


So this question has now become a part of my psyche, and it has become part of my morning routine. What one thing could I do today that will make this the most valuable day of my life?

What new direction could I take? What new habit could I begin? This question opens me up every morning to life-changing possibilities every day. I don’t expect every single day to be the most valuable, but what if I decide to learn or improve a skill today that comes into play during an opportunity five years from now that nets me millions? Learning that skill retrospectively made today the most valuable day of my life. 


The question prepares me each morning to keep my eyes open to opportunity, but not only that – it reminds me to keep my skills sharp so that when the opportunity presents itself, not only do I see it, but I am prepared to grab it up and make it my opportunity. 


So what can you do today to make this the most valuable day of your life? There are so many directions you could go with this question but if may offer some advice. If you can’t think of how you could make this an exceptionally valuable day, then ask yourself a different question. “What one thing in your life, if you changed it, would make the greatest positive impact in your life?” Is it losing weight or getting out of a relationship, or changing jobs, or forgiving someone and dropping the poisonous anger – whatever it is that is holding you back, make a plan to change that one thing, and get that positive impact working for you in your life, instead of letting the obstacle work against you. 


This could be your answer to the first question in this episode – “What one thing could I do today that will make this the most valuable day of my life?” And if you carried this through, and made the decision today, or tomorrow at the latest, I’ll give you tonight to think it over, that decision will make this the most valuable day of your life. Choose today to begin some new discipline, some new process in your life that will compound into incredible success years from now.


If you’ve got some ideas we would love to hear more about them in the Ideas and Concepts Facebook group - I’ll be there all week interacting! The link is in the description.


Thanks for listening to the Second Mix Podcast, once again, I am Matthew Bennett. You can grab this transcript on the blog at If you have any questions send me an email at, I would love to hear from you! Please give me 5 stars whenever and wherever you can subscribe to get notified about the latest episodes – and if you haven’t yet, please leave me a really nice review.  Once If you know anyone who might find this information helpful, please tell them about this show – I do this to help people.  I’m gonna be here every Monday and Thursday until bacon has no calories. 


Take steps that will make your week incredible.  I’ll be back on Thursday  –  this week continue reflecting, revising, and remixing your life. I’ll see you soon!